AVSmods - What More To Add - Part 1 - Statistics

AVSmods - What More To Add - Part 1 - Statistics

In order for you to better understand what is happening on the battlefield you need to have statistical data.
In this part we will be going thru the essential mods for statistical data that you need during and after the battle.

1. Battle Stats 2.1.5 By PolarFox (player stats without XVM)

The principle is the same like XVM but with one HUGE difference. This mod win NOT create any lag or drop of FPS. You will be able to see every player statistics in the panel plus a wn8 number will be displayed in the players OTM (over target marker). Mod is made also by PolarFox and it gets updated 1-2 days before the patch (so you will always have a fresh version).

2. Marks Of Excellence Calculator By Spoter

This mod got popular because world famous Circonflexes (YOUTUBE CHANNEL) uses it and for a good reason.
The mod will calculate how much do you need to grind for every gun mark. So if you are chasing that 3th mark, this is exactly for you.

3. ProTanki Battle Efficiency With Expenses Calculator

This will help you track how much money you spend in battle for ammo (especially if you like shooting gold a lot). Plus it will make a best guess on the income.
Mod is translated to ENG and you can edit the text to what ever you like.

4. Gold Ammo Counter By Ekspoint

Ever wondered how much are you getting hit with gold ammo ? Is WG brain dead claiming that you get less than 5% hits with gold ?
No need to wonder any more. This mod will keep track how much of which kind of ammo hit you.
Mod is translated to ENG and can be edited.

5. Arty Log Extended By OldSkool (OneHand Scum Logger)

Counter that will track how many times you got hit by arty. Counter will also measure how much time you lost  being stunned. Probably will make you a bit mad just knowing how much are you loosing due to arty.
Mod is ENG and can be edited.

6. YasenKrasen Colored Messages + Session Statistics / Session Statistics and Battle Result Messages By Tomonik

World famous after battle stats. You will get all the info after the battle in a pop up window. Essential mod. Several visual options. Updated on time for the last 4+ years.

YasenKrasen version:

